Add Poll:
All of you know that to add poll in any site encourage the visitors to show their opinion. Now a days everybody wants the right to an opinion. By add poll on your site you give them that opportunity. So they become bound to love your site. So to lead a poll is very much important for a site owner. Most of the sites use the Plugin to add poll in their sites. But you also know that the use of so many plugins increase the load time of a site. But if you can do it without the help of the plugin then of course it is amazing & it will not slow your site’s load time. So let’s see how to add polls to your WordPress site without the help of any plugin.
The process is-:
1. Go to THIS site & Click Sign up for a free account Now.
2. Now click Sign Up for a free membership.
3. Now click Sign Up with
4. A new window will open to sign up at If you don’t have any previous account then fill up the form by providing e-mail address, username & password & click on Sign Up.
Your e-mail will get a verification message. Login to your email address & by clicking the link in that message verify your e-mail address. Now Login to with the help of Account.
N.B. If you have the previous account at then Click on I already Have a account
5. Then log on to by providing e-mail Address or Username & password.
6. Then Click Authorize
7. Then the Polldaddy Dashboard will appear. Here Click on Create a new
8. Then Click Poll
9. A form will open & this is the most important part of creating a poll. You can create a poll on any topic like the image below. You can manage different options as you wish.
10. Then choose a style & widget size like the image below.
11. And it will also show you the Poll’s preview like the image below.
12. Then you will be given a JavaScript Code like the image below. Copy the Javascript Code.
13. Now login to your WordPress site by providing Admin user name & password. Go to Dashboard. Click on Appearance. Then click on the widget. Now drag the Text Widget to the Widget Area like the image below . Then the widget will open. Now paste the Javascript code in its’ body like the image below & click Save.
Now go to your site & see the Poll. In this way you can also create Survey, Quiz & Rating in your Site.
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