Now a days most of the famous blogs are using WordPress for their site for its advantages.Beside it there is a problem of it too & that is its’ security system.As there is no any CAPTCHA security here,its easy to break the security system as most of the site owners use ADMIN as a log in id.So one should use another id instead of ADMIN.Though the system is not 100% secured.To secure the security system one can use Login LockDown Plugin which is really very much effective.It will always monitor your log in system & if anyone try to log in from an IP again & again & can’t log in then this plugin will block all the Ips related to the range of that IP. So he/she will be unable to try to log in again.As a result the security system will be better than the previous condition.So don’t late to use this plugin.
How to use:
If you are the owner of a WordPress blog site then log in to your Admin account.
1.Click Plugins & then click Add New .
2.In the search bar write down the plugin’s name & click Search plugins.
3.You will see the plugins name .Click Install now & then confirm installation.
Thats all.Now you are safer then the previous position.
Bye today.If there is any problem then comments please.