To secure WordPress site is really a very important topic for the WordPress bloggers. Many sites are created every day. Most of the sites are related to blog. Because blogging is very much popular now a days. On the other hand a blogger can earn a lot from his/her blog site in different ways. On the blogging CMS systems most favorite system is WordPress. This is very much industrious to create a blog site. But for the lack of knowledge everyday a lot of sites become hacked by the hawkers. So what will you do to secure WordPress site ?
Secure WordPress Site :
1. In a WordPress site the default admin user name is “Admin”. One should change this name from his/her own choice so that the hackers will not be able to hack very easily a WP site.
2. Use very strong & long password created by combination of word, number, letter & special symbol.
3. Keep a WordPress site always updated with its’ version, plugins & theme.
4. Never keep installed unnecessary Plugins & themes. Check a plugin & theme perfectly before its’ installation. Otherwise it is easy to hack a site by a fake plugin or theme. So be careful my dear.
5. Always use the most favorite & known plugins & themes so that the hackers can’t attack. Always remember that Prevention is better than cure.
6. If your site is not based on Community then never start the “Membership” program.
7. Keep your Plugin Folder close so that the hackers become unable to see your used Plugins.
To check the Plugin & theme of a WordPress Site go through THIS ARTICLE.
8. Delete the used version of a WordPress site. Its’ why go to header.php & delete the below code so that they become unable to see the used WordPress version-
“<meta name=”generator” content=”WordPress<?php bloginfo(“version”);?>”/><!–leave this for stats please–>”
9. There are many WordPress security plugins to secure a WordPress site . Of them I suggest WP Security Plugin. By this plugin you can also keep your database backup.This is really an awesome plugin. Recently the plugin has changed it’s name. Now the name is iThemes Security.
10. Change the permission of the folder named wp-config.php
11. Keep the regular database backup of your site. Because if the site become hacked then the backup can help you.
Now you have learned to secure WordPress site perfectly. So enjoy enjoy your WordPress site now.You can also GO THROUGH THIS ARTICLE to know more to secure WordPress site .
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