How To Decrease Sites Load Time with (WP

Now a days many WordPress website owners use a lot of plugins to decrease sites load time to increase its’ performance .But on the other hand it does not really perform like that. So today i am trying to decrease my sites load time partially with a special plugin named WP Now a Days the search engines (Specially Google or Yahoo) are providing page rank from one to ten to a site noticing that site’s load time. So if you want a high page rank then decrease your sites load time immediately.


There are a lot of causes to increase sites load time. The big image size is one of them. So to decrease the size of an image of a site anyone can decrease sites load time. WP plugin will compress the images of new posts’ automatically.As a result the disc space will be saved & side by side it will decrease your sites load time instantly.

So the visitors will visit that WordPress site in a low internet speed. There are some countries where the Internet speed is not so fast but this is a big true that they are the heart of a Website as they are the visitors. In many countries Specially in the countries of the Third World the Internet speed is limited in 2G. But the visitors of that country can be a great source of earning or something else by your Website. So to decrease your sites load time can be the best way to attract more visitors of the world.

Just Install the plugin by searching & activate it.Otherwise you don’t have to do anything.There is no need of other settings. If you don’t know how to Install a plugin then Read the Below article.


 So enjoy the plugin and decrease sites load time so that the visitors visit your site all the day.Bye today. Don’t forget to share the article please. Like our Facebook Fan Page and Follow us in Twitter.

One Response

  1. aryandu07 March 1, 2013

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