Show or Hide Widgets in a Web Page or Post by a Plugin

Show or Hide Widgets:

We usually use different types of widgets on a WordPress site for different purposes. Sometimes we become successful and many times not as we don’t want to show every Widgets on every page or post. So sometimes we want to show or hide Widgets in a web page or post. It was really unthinkable for me as I don’t have any coding knowledge to do that job.

In a WordPress site plugins are really very much helpful to make it better looking and easy to activate though a WordPress site owner don’t have any type of coding knowledge. I searched a lot to show or hide widgets in a WordPress site by a plugin. At last I found a great plugin named “Display Widgets” to perform that job magically.

This plugin is really a magic for the Adsense publishers as they want to show different types of AD in different places on a site so that they can make revenue a lot and side by side the beauty of the site increased and look gorgeous.So to show or hide widgets on different places of a site by “Display Widgets” Plugin is very much helpful for a site owner and for the Web developers too by reducing extra coding.

Download the Plugin from HERE.

Perhaps all of you know how to install and activate a plugin. If you don’t know then I request you to go through the below article.

If you have gone through the above article then you must have learned the easy process practically. After installation and activation of the plugin (From the side bar of your WordPress site) go to “Appearance” and then click “Widgets”.

Now look at the image. This image will tell you everything that what you have to do to show or hide widgets in a web page or post. Click the Red Round mark of the Text Option. The Widget will open. Now you will see four options such as-

  1. Front Page
  2. Blog Page
  3. Archives Page
  4. Single Post Page

Now select the options by marking tick on where of that site you want to hide that Widget. Now click the Save Button and You are done. It is really very easy and funny.

Show or Hide Widgets

So now easily show or hide widgets in a web page or post by “Display Widgets” Plugin and become a successful web developer or ad publisher.


To use a lot of plugins will increase the loading speed of your WordPress site. So I recommend the below articles for this solution.

After a lot of days I have written this post. Encourage me by your valuable comments please.

One Response

  1. Critical reasoning skills September 19, 2015

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